Monday, July 28, 2008

Israeli coffee

Drinking coffee in Israel is quite an adventure. Watch out - what you want is not what you get!

Survival guide:
  • cappuccino - "kafe hafuch" or "twisted coffee", what they mean is an ordinary coffee with milk; until yet I haven't discovered the real cappuccino;
  • caffe frappe - here they call it simply "ice coffee" and they have some amazing combinations;
  • caffe latte - and they mean "coffee with milk" but not the above mentioned one :-/
  • black coffee - don't expect a coffee without sugar because you're wrong; they mean coffee with sugar but with no milk, that's why it's black isn't it!?
And if you still have doubts about coffee in Israel, look at the picture and try to guess what I have ordered. Oh, and I have received a fork and a knife too!


Anonymous said...

monser, nu vezi posibilitatile
e cald afara? e
ai congelator? ai
pai atunci iei cafeaua la sufertas, o depui in congelator si mananci inghetata obtinuta cu furculita si cutitul
acu alta problema: nu cred ca furculita din imagine e aia speciala de mancat inghetata...

Anonymous said...

misto insemnare.
treaba e ca poza singura ne zice despre ce a fost vorba in comanda: ai vrut un cappucino. ce-ai capatat, asta-i cu totul alta poveste.
eh.. ice coffee ... memoriiiizzzz...

Anonymous said...

aia eram eu...