Or put it in other words "what? are we Ashkenazim?" -
This is the reaction to my "European tea ceremony" - big red cups, tea spoons, napkins, small fancy porcelain sugar bowl, small fancy box with a rich selection of teas, small fancy porcelain nana bowl, kettle with boiling water ... everything "mesudar kmo she-tzarich" (in order, as it should be).
If I were Bedouin I would drink a boiling hot Bedouin tea with a lot of sugar (I will not tell you the secret of my boyfriend's delicious tea), in a more relaxed atmosphere, sitting on comfortable pillows (and not on my stiff Ikea wooden chairs), in the middle of the nature (not in the middle of the noisy Tel Aviv) ...
But, even so, I enjoyed more the company than the tea itself, which was just an excuse.
There goes the secret down... The bedouin make their authentic tea using a herb so called in Arabic Marmaria... This herb has many medical qualities and nevertheless makes a tea to taste great if you just add enough sugar. In English the Marmaria is known as East Mediterranean sage or Three Lobed Sage and in Hebrew as Marva Meshuleshet... Enjoy your tea :-)
A lousy tea by the end of the day at the desert might just taste better than a fancy tea in Tel Aviv... however, as far as sushi goes, I will stick with Tel Aviv (only when the other option is the desert of course)
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