Sunday, March 2, 2008

post at Bar Ilan

Brother! Don't call me brother!

Explanation of the picture wanted ...


Anonymous said...

La graffitiurile astea cu Landesspezifik explică niţel despre ce e vorba, să-nţeleagă boboru'. Părerea mea...

Da faini melcii - ţuşti printre picioare ;o)

Anonymous said...

I am trying to understand what Adriana wrote and it sooooo hard..

This is my best guess..

Those graphic illustrations, which have the little captioned explanation of what it is talking about... understand.... ???

?? ????? seashells - ???? amm
ammmmm between legs?!

couldn't make sense out of it... please help.. :-)



Adriana asked me to write down an explanation to these kind of pictures with a cultural background - meaning to explain that this picture could be a hint to the Israeli soldier trying to do his job and to evacuate the Israeli settlements in the teritories (at least this is how I see it) and his struggle to get out of this situation of being in the middle.

Secondly, she used a Romanian word not so familiar to you I guess (tzushti, in an approximate pronounciation) is like "here it goes" in an appoximate translation. And she referred here to those snails on the wall. She said: "and those cool snails - here they go between the legs", meaning they sneak very fast between our legs. Well, I can bet you understood the point.

So, Boaz, another day another Romanian lesson!

Anonymous said...

It is so frustrating that I know so many words and yet could not make or understand a sentence.
Way more frustrating than that though, is having Bar Ilan in Israel.. disgusting!

Anonymous said...

to boaz

about the snails - i was reffering to a joke, but it´s a little bit too complicated to translate it (one has to know about people living in a certain region of Romania, the "ardeleni", to get the point)

and i wrote my comments in Romanian as i didn´t thought someone else but parparush would read them