Today I called the Cinematheque in Tel Aviv to find out some details concerning Mungiu's film. The young lady who answered me was very kind and she really struggled to help me but she seemed to missunderstand me: "There isn't such a film!" "Is it a private screening?" "I'm telling you, this film doesn't appear on my list! Listen, I will check if this film exists and maybe in the future we will host it." and so on.
How could she tell me there's no such film! My Romanian pride started to take shape: "Look, you cannot say that there's no such film when Mungiu has won so many prizes!? And how can you say this when the screening was mentioned even on your website!? I myself was there, in the audience!" ...
And then she screamed "rega!" and asked someone in the office who told her "I heard of this guy!" I thought I would go mad!
In the end, after the neverending sound of her keyboard, she concludes: "I cannot make you a reservation for a film that doesn't exist!"
And then I realized what her problem was: sequence of tenses! pararel worlds!
And how come I was unaware of the fact that I can make a reservation for a film that doesn't exist at the time we speak but existed a month ago!? That's still a mistery to me ...