Monday, January 21, 2008

Karen + Kevin = LOVE

Once upon a time there was a South-African girl called Karen from Dubai, who fell in love with Kevin, a boy from Romania, whom she met in a chatroom on the internet. She was so in love that she convinced her mother to come with her all the way to Romania to meet her love.
And when they reached Cluj-Napoca the mother almost fainted - the boy called Kevin, was in fact ... a girl! And the poor girls run away from home, to Constanta, because nobody accepted them. Karen even wants to pay her lover the costs of sex change operation.
Finally the girls were discovered and brought home. Karen's mother will forbid the internet access to her girl and will pay a psychologist to "treat" her.
The Romanian family didn't make any comments on the story, as far as I know. I wonder what happened to Kevin.;2342466

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